Foundations of programming fundamentals


Welcome (In progress)
Video 1m 17s
Save Welcome
Making the most of this course (In progress)
Video 2m 8s
Save Making the most of this course
Using the exercise files (In progress)
Video 50s
Save Using the exercise files

1. Programming Basics
What is programming? (In progress)
Video 5m 45s
Save What is programming?
What is a programming language? (In progress)
Video 4m 48s
Save What is a programming language?
Writing source code (In progress)
Video 5m 34s
Save Writing source code
Compiled and interpreted languages (In progress)
Video 6m 4s
Save Compiled and interpreted languages
Chapter Quiz
6 Questions

2. Core Programming Syntax
Why JavaScript? (In progress)
Video 4m 45s
Save Why JavaScript?
Creating your first program in JavaScript (In progress)
Video 6m 54s
Save Creating your first program in JavaScript
Requesting input (In progress)
Video 4m 50s
Save Requesting input
Chapter Quiz
2 Questions

3. Variables and Data Types
Introduction to variables and data types (In progress)
Video 5m 16s
Save Introduction to variables and data types
Understanding strong, weak, and duck-typed languages (In progress)
Video 3m 51s
Save Understanding strong, weak, and duck-typed languages
Working with numbers (In progress)
Video 5m 4s
Save Working with numbers
Using characters and strings (In progress)
Video 4m 5s
Save Using characters and strings
Working with operators (In progress)
Video 4m 47s
Save Working with operators
Properly using white space (In progress)
Video 6m 46s
Save Properly using white space
Adding comments to code for human understanding (In progress)
Video 1m 49s
Save Adding comments to code for human understanding
Chapter Quiz
3 Questions

4. Writing Conditional Code
Building with the if statement (In progress)
Video 7m 35s
Save Building with the if statement
Working with complex conditions (In progress)
Video 4m 9s
Save Working with complex conditions
Setting comparison operators (In progress)
Video 6m 59s
Save Setting comparison operators
Using the switch statement (In progress)
Video 6m 5s
Save Using the switch statement
Chapter Quiz
2 Questions

5. Modular Code
Breaking your code apart (In progress)
Video 4m 1s
Save Breaking your code apart
Creating and calling functions (In progress)
Video 2m 56s
Save Creating and calling functions
Setting parameters and arguments (In progress)
Video 6m 7s
Save Setting parameters and arguments
Understanding variable scope (In progress)
Video 2m 23s
Save Understanding variable scope
Splitting code into different files (In progress)
Video 2m 27s
Save Splitting code into different files
Chapter Quiz
2 Questions

6. Iteration: Writing Loops
Introduction to iteration (In progress)
Video 4m 28s
Save Introduction to iteration
Writing a while statement (In progress)
Video 5m 24s
Save Writing a while statement
Creating a for loop (In progress)
Video 3m 39s
Save Creating a for loop

7. More About Strings
Cleaning up with string concatenation (In progress)
Video 4m 30s
Save Cleaning up with string concatenation
Finding patterns in strings (In progress)
Video 8m 3s
Save Finding patterns in strings
Introduction to regular expressions (In progress)
Video 6m 55s
Save Introduction to regular expressions

8. Collections
Working with arrays (In progress)
Video 5m 46s
Save Working with arrays
Array behavior (In progress)
Video 5m 29s
Save Array behavior
Iterating through collections (In progress)
Video 5m 18s
Save Iterating through collections
Collections in other languages (In progress)
Video 3m 25s
Save Collections in other languages
Chapter Quiz
1 Question

9. Programming Style
Programming style (In progress)
Video 5m 55s
Save Programming style
Writing pseudocode (In progress)
Video 4m 55s
Save Writing pseudocode
Chapter Quiz
2 Questions

10. Input and Output
Input/output and persistence (In progress)
Video 3m 6s
Save Input/output and persistence
Reading and writing from the DOM (In progress)
Video 8m 11s
Save Reading and writing from the DOM
Event driven programming (In progress)
Video 7m 47s
Save Event driven programming
Introduction to file I/O (In progress)
Video 6m 51s
Save Introduction to file I/O
Chapter Quiz
2 Questions

11. When Things Go Wrong
Introduction to debugging (In progress)
Video 5m 57s
Save Introduction to debugging
Tracing through a section of code (In progress)
Video 7m 5s
Save Tracing through a section of code
Understanding error messages (In progress)
Video 3m 21s
Save Understanding error messages
Using debuggers (In progress)
Video 8m 2s
Save Using debuggers

12. Introduction to Object Orientation
Introduction to object-oriented languages (In progress)
Video 5m 18s
Save Introduction to object-oriented languages
Using classes and objects (In progress)
Video 6m 28s
Save Using classes and objects
Reviewing object-oriented languages (In progress)
Video 2m 30s
Save Reviewing object-oriented languages
Chapter Quiz
1 Question

13. Advanced Topics
Memory management across languages (In progress)
Video 5m 11s
Save Memory management across languages
Introduction to algorithms (In progress)
Video 4m 2s
Save Introduction to algorithms
Introduction to multithreading (In progress)
Video 2m 1s
Save Introduction to multithreading
Chapter Quiz
1 Question

14. Exploring the Languages
Introduction to languages (In progress)
Video 1m 42s
Save Introduction to languages
C-based languages (In progress)
Video 4m 40s
Save C-based languages
The Java world (In progress)
Video 3m 13s
Save The Java world
.NET languages: C# and Visual Basic .NET (In progress)
Video 6m 17s
Save .NET languages: C# and Visual Basic .NET
Ruby (In progress)
Video 3m 4s
Save Ruby
Python (In progress)
Video 2m 56s
Save Python
Objective-C (In progress)
Video 4m 3s
Save Objective-C
Libraries and frameworks (In progress)
Video 3m 25s
Save Libraries and frameworks
Chapter Quiz
3 Questions

Where to go from here (In progress)
Video 1m 2s

Brain Parts Function

Brain structure maps and adhd on pinterest Brain structure maps and adhd on pinterest Parts Of The Brain And Their Functions Chart – Parts of the brain … Brain structure maps and adhd on pinterest 
Brain Parts Function posted by, Image Size : 750 x 1083 jpg

Brain parts and functions fun human brain facts for kids brain parts and functions fun human brain facts for kids Brain Parts And Functions – Cephalicvein brain parts and functions fun human brain facts for kids 
Brain Parts Function posted by, Image Size : 400 x 515 jpg

Brain Information Brain Information The Brain – Diagram and Explanation Brain Information Brain Parts Function posted by, Image Size : 317 x 450 gif

Brain regions and functions brain regions and functions Brain Regions and Functions ASU – Ask A Biologist brain regions and functions 

Brain Parts Function posted by, Image Size : 236 x 550 gif

… weighing risks and rewards and improved ability for regulating emotions and thoughts through greater connection to other brain areas. … weighing risks and rewards and improved ability for regulating emotions and thoughts through greater connection to other brain areas. Brain Parts and Functions – ECMS School Counseling … weighing risks and rewards and improved ability for regulating emotions and thoughts through greater connection to other brain areas. 

Brain Parts Function posted by, Image Size : 236 x 319 

Gallery of brain parts and functions Gallery of brain parts and functions Brain Parts And Functions – Cephalicvein Gallery of brain parts and functions. 

Brain Parts Function posted by, Image Size : 609 x 900 jpg

Gallery of parts of the brain and their functions Gallery of parts of the brain and their functions Parts Of The Brain And Their Functions – Cephalicvein Gallery of parts of the brain and their functions. 

Brain Parts Function posted by, Image Size : 327 x 511 jpg

Brain Structure Brain Structure Time.innerbrain.JPEG Brain Structure. 

Brain Parts Function posted by, Image Size : 333 x 576 jpeg


C Essential Training Contents


 1m 5s
- Welcome
What you should know before watching this course 
 1m 3s
- What you should know before watching this course
Using the exercise files 
 2m 34s
- Using the exercise files
The development environment used in this course 
 4m 39s
- The development environment used in this course

1. Why Program in C?
Overview of the C language and the C11 standard 
 4m 47s
- Overview of the C language and the C11 standard
Understanding C programming fundamentals 
 4m 2s
- Understanding C programming fundamentals
Running your first C program 
 3m 45s
- Running your first C program

2. Overview of the Structure of a C Program
Introducing preprocessor commands 
 4m 6s
- Introducing preprocessor commands
Making code more manageable 
 4m 11s
- Making code more manageable
Setting values to use later 
 4m 15s
- Setting values to use later
Using statements and expressions 
 3m 0s
- Using statements and expressions
Adding comments to code for clarity 
 5m 1s
- Adding comments to code for clarity

3. Data Types
Understanding data types 
 1m 28s
- Understanding data types
Declaring and using integer types 
 3m 40s
- Declaring and using integer types
Declaring and using floating-point types 
 5m 8s
- Declaring and using floating-point types
Using the void data type 
 2m 15s
- Using the void data type
Declaring and using Boolean types 
 4m 1s
- Declaring and using Boolean types

4. Strings
Understanding strings 
 3m 24s
- Understanding strings
Using screen-based input and output 
 6m 2s
- Using screen-based input and output
Manipulating strings 
 5m 27s
- Manipulating strings

5. Variables
Choosing appropriate variable names 
 5m 39s
- Choosing appropriate variable names
Deciding when and where to declare variables 
 5m 17s
- Deciding when and where to declare variables
Implementing simple assignment statements 
 7m 6s
- Implementing simple assignment statements

6. Basic Programming Constructs
Understanding the use of arithmetic operators 
 6m 38s
- Understanding the use of arithmetic operators
Understanding the use of relational operators 
 8m 13s
- Understanding the use of relational operators
Making decisions using logical operators 
 5m 19s
- Making decisions using logical operators
Performing bit-level calculations with bitwise operations 
 6m 35s
- Performing bit-level calculations with bitwise operations
Using assignment operators in complex statements 
 8m 19s
- Using assignment operators in complex statements
Implementing mathematical expressions 
 7m 13s
- Implementing mathematical expressions
Understanding the relationship between statements and expressions 
 3m 16s
- Understanding the relationship between statements and expressions
Challenge: Convert centimeters to feet and inches 
 1m 10s
- Challenge: Convert centimeters to feet and inches
Solution: Convert centimeters to feet and inches 
 3m 4s
- Solution: Convert centimeters to feet and inches
Challenge: Convert temperatures 
 1m 14s
- Challenge: Convert temperatures
Solution: Convert temperatures 
 1m 48s
- Solution: Convert temperatures

7. Functions
Understanding functional programming 
 5m 25s
- Understanding functional programming
Passing variables to functions 
 7m 12s
- Passing variables to functions
Returning data from functions 
 7m 27s
- Returning data from functions
Working with recursion 
 7m 26s
- Working with recursion
Challenge: Implement an external library 
 1m 9s
- Challenge: Implement an external library
Solution: Implement an external library 
 1m 59s
- Solution: Implement an external library
Challenge: Print a range of numbers 
- Challenge: Print a range of numbers
Solution: Print a range of numbers 
 3m 11s
- Solution: Print a range of numbers

8. Decisions and Branching
Using if statements to change program flow 
 3m 27s
- Using if statements to change program flow
Using if-else statements to make decisions 
 2m 54s
- Using if-else statements to make decisions
Building alternative decision blocks with if-else-if statements 
 4m 48s
- Building alternative decision blocks with if-else-if statements
Building complex decision statements with switch statements 
 4m 23s
- Building complex decision statements with switch statements
Challenge: Build a decision-making program 
 1m 32s
- Challenge: Build a decision-making program
Solution: Build a decision-making program 
 2m 57s
- Solution: Build a decision-making program

9. Loops
Executing statements repeatedly with loops 
 5m 6s
- Executing statements repeatedly with loops
Using for loops 
 3m 32s
- Using for loops
Using while loops 
 5m 50s
- Using while loops
Understanding the do-while loop 
 5m 22s
- Understanding the do-while loop
Breaking out of loops 
 5m 35s
- Breaking out of loops
Challenge: Make a bar chart 
 1m 10s
- Challenge: Make a bar chart
Solution: Make a bar chart 
 3m 9s
- Solution: Make a bar chart

10. Arrays
Introducing arrays 
 3m 23s
- Introducing arrays
Declaring arrays 
 4m 23s
- Declaring arrays
Initializing arrays 
 3m 7s
- Initializing arrays
Accessing individual elements of an array 
 9m 10s
- Accessing individual elements of an array
Understanding two-dimensional arrays 
 5m 43s
- Understanding two-dimensional arrays
Rules for using an array 
 3m 57s
- Rules for using an array
Using loops for searching and sorting 
 8m 52s
- Using loops for searching and sorting
Challenge: Improve the bar chart 
 3m 17s
- Challenge: Improve the bar chart
Solution: Improve the bar chart 
 3m 53s
- Solution: Improve the bar chart

11. Pointers and Memory Management
Understanding pointers 
 1m 56s
- Understanding pointers
Declaring and initializing a pointer variable 
 2m 37s
- Declaring and initializing a pointer variable
Using a pointer variable 
 4m 29s
- Using a pointer variable
Performing pointer arithmetic 
 4m 46s
- Performing pointer arithmetic
Understanding the relationship between pointers and arrays 
 4m 32s
- Understanding the relationship between pointers and arrays
Managing memory using allocation and release 
 5m 32s
- Managing memory using allocation and release

12. Structures
Understanding structures 
 1m 53s
- Understanding structures
Declaring and accessing structures 
 4m 41s
- Declaring and accessing structures
Using structures as complex variables 
 6m 32s
- Using structures as complex variables
Understanding and performing union operations 
 4m 20s
- Understanding and performing union operations

13. Files
Data management using sequential files 
 7m 0s
- Data management using sequential files
Data management using random access files 
 7m 55s
- Data management using random access files
Exploring file access modes 
 4m 24s
- Exploring file access modes

14. User-Defined Functions
Building user-defined functions 
 2m 46s
- Building user-defined functions
Introducing functional programming 
 4m 38s
- Introducing functional programming
Understanding the components of a function 
 7m 14s
- Understanding the components of a function
Using local and global variables: The variable scope 
 5m 39s
- Using local and global variables: The variable scope
Passing variables to functions 
 5m 23s
- Passing variables to functions
Passing an array to a function 
 3m 31s
- Passing an array to a function
Returning data from functions 
 5m 16s
- Returning data from functions
Defining a prototype of a function 
 3m 3s
- Defining a prototype of a function
Using recursive functions 
 6m 58s
- Using recursive functions

15. The C Preprocessor
Defining and using macros 
 6m 10s
- Defining and using macros
Inserting headers from other files 
 4m 52s
- Inserting headers from other files
Using conditional directives 
 5m 23s
- Using conditional directives

16. Good Programming Practices
Defining and using meaningful naming conventions 
 7m 16s
- Defining and using meaningful naming conventions
Testing code correctness 
 8m 35s
- Testing code correctness
Implementing debugging techniques 
 7m 46s
- Implementing debugging techniques
Striving for simplicity and clarity 
 3m 57s
- Striving for simplicity and clarity
Developing portable code 
 5m 49s
- Developing portable code

17. Course Challenges
Challenge: Build a loan calculator 
 2m 35s
- Challenge: Build a loan calculator
Solution: Build a loan calculator 
 2m 49s
- Solution: Build a loan calculator
Challenge: Convert compass bearing to direction 
 1m 16s
- Challenge: Convert compass bearing to direction
Solution: Convert compass bearing to direction 
 3m 1s
- Solution: Convert compass bearing to direction

 3m 0s

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