Foundations of programming fundamentals


Welcome (In progress)
Video 1m 17s
Save Welcome
Making the most of this course (In progress)
Video 2m 8s
Save Making the most of this course
Using the exercise files (In progress)
Video 50s
Save Using the exercise files

1. Programming Basics
What is programming? (In progress)
Video 5m 45s
Save What is programming?
What is a programming language? (In progress)
Video 4m 48s
Save What is a programming language?
Writing source code (In progress)
Video 5m 34s
Save Writing source code
Compiled and interpreted languages (In progress)
Video 6m 4s
Save Compiled and interpreted languages
Chapter Quiz
6 Questions

2. Core Programming Syntax
Why JavaScript? (In progress)
Video 4m 45s
Save Why JavaScript?
Creating your first program in JavaScript (In progress)
Video 6m 54s
Save Creating your first program in JavaScript
Requesting input (In progress)
Video 4m 50s
Save Requesting input
Chapter Quiz
2 Questions

3. Variables and Data Types
Introduction to variables and data types (In progress)
Video 5m 16s
Save Introduction to variables and data types
Understanding strong, weak, and duck-typed languages (In progress)
Video 3m 51s
Save Understanding strong, weak, and duck-typed languages
Working with numbers (In progress)
Video 5m 4s
Save Working with numbers
Using characters and strings (In progress)
Video 4m 5s
Save Using characters and strings
Working with operators (In progress)
Video 4m 47s
Save Working with operators
Properly using white space (In progress)
Video 6m 46s
Save Properly using white space
Adding comments to code for human understanding (In progress)
Video 1m 49s
Save Adding comments to code for human understanding
Chapter Quiz
3 Questions

4. Writing Conditional Code
Building with the if statement (In progress)
Video 7m 35s
Save Building with the if statement
Working with complex conditions (In progress)
Video 4m 9s
Save Working with complex conditions
Setting comparison operators (In progress)
Video 6m 59s
Save Setting comparison operators
Using the switch statement (In progress)
Video 6m 5s
Save Using the switch statement
Chapter Quiz
2 Questions

5. Modular Code
Breaking your code apart (In progress)
Video 4m 1s
Save Breaking your code apart
Creating and calling functions (In progress)
Video 2m 56s
Save Creating and calling functions
Setting parameters and arguments (In progress)
Video 6m 7s
Save Setting parameters and arguments
Understanding variable scope (In progress)
Video 2m 23s
Save Understanding variable scope
Splitting code into different files (In progress)
Video 2m 27s
Save Splitting code into different files
Chapter Quiz
2 Questions

6. Iteration: Writing Loops
Introduction to iteration (In progress)
Video 4m 28s
Save Introduction to iteration
Writing a while statement (In progress)
Video 5m 24s
Save Writing a while statement
Creating a for loop (In progress)
Video 3m 39s
Save Creating a for loop

7. More About Strings
Cleaning up with string concatenation (In progress)
Video 4m 30s
Save Cleaning up with string concatenation
Finding patterns in strings (In progress)
Video 8m 3s
Save Finding patterns in strings
Introduction to regular expressions (In progress)
Video 6m 55s
Save Introduction to regular expressions

8. Collections
Working with arrays (In progress)
Video 5m 46s
Save Working with arrays
Array behavior (In progress)
Video 5m 29s
Save Array behavior
Iterating through collections (In progress)
Video 5m 18s
Save Iterating through collections
Collections in other languages (In progress)
Video 3m 25s
Save Collections in other languages
Chapter Quiz
1 Question

9. Programming Style
Programming style (In progress)
Video 5m 55s
Save Programming style
Writing pseudocode (In progress)
Video 4m 55s
Save Writing pseudocode
Chapter Quiz
2 Questions

10. Input and Output
Input/output and persistence (In progress)
Video 3m 6s
Save Input/output and persistence
Reading and writing from the DOM (In progress)
Video 8m 11s
Save Reading and writing from the DOM
Event driven programming (In progress)
Video 7m 47s
Save Event driven programming
Introduction to file I/O (In progress)
Video 6m 51s
Save Introduction to file I/O
Chapter Quiz
2 Questions

11. When Things Go Wrong
Introduction to debugging (In progress)
Video 5m 57s
Save Introduction to debugging
Tracing through a section of code (In progress)
Video 7m 5s
Save Tracing through a section of code
Understanding error messages (In progress)
Video 3m 21s
Save Understanding error messages
Using debuggers (In progress)
Video 8m 2s
Save Using debuggers

12. Introduction to Object Orientation
Introduction to object-oriented languages (In progress)
Video 5m 18s
Save Introduction to object-oriented languages
Using classes and objects (In progress)
Video 6m 28s
Save Using classes and objects
Reviewing object-oriented languages (In progress)
Video 2m 30s
Save Reviewing object-oriented languages
Chapter Quiz
1 Question

13. Advanced Topics
Memory management across languages (In progress)
Video 5m 11s
Save Memory management across languages
Introduction to algorithms (In progress)
Video 4m 2s
Save Introduction to algorithms
Introduction to multithreading (In progress)
Video 2m 1s
Save Introduction to multithreading
Chapter Quiz
1 Question

14. Exploring the Languages
Introduction to languages (In progress)
Video 1m 42s
Save Introduction to languages
C-based languages (In progress)
Video 4m 40s
Save C-based languages
The Java world (In progress)
Video 3m 13s
Save The Java world
.NET languages: C# and Visual Basic .NET (In progress)
Video 6m 17s
Save .NET languages: C# and Visual Basic .NET
Ruby (In progress)
Video 3m 4s
Save Ruby
Python (In progress)
Video 2m 56s
Save Python
Objective-C (In progress)
Video 4m 3s
Save Objective-C
Libraries and frameworks (In progress)
Video 3m 25s
Save Libraries and frameworks
Chapter Quiz
3 Questions

Where to go from here (In progress)
Video 1m 2s

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